Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Our first clinic monthly appt.

Today, 15th of August 2007, was our first monthly clinic appt. I had to promise Immie ice cream to come as she was not very impressed about having to go to the hospital again. The memories were still to raw of being poked and prodded with needles and checks. I wonder if she will get better as time goes on..I hope she will forget enough to not be scare, but no enough to realize how lucky she was to kick cancers butt and that we had available to us the best hospital treatment. That is were our jobs step in, to reminder her of this.

It is quite weird posting this today, as tomorrow we will have our second clinic appt (26th of September..yes I still am a little behind). I am nervous today, though I know all will be fine, I will still feel sick while we wait for the results from those blood tests, urine and ultrasounds Immie will have tomorrow. Many parents of children who have had cancer and it has been years passed since finishing treatment have said that it does eventually get easier, though you can't help but worry about that child just a little bit more...I can see were they are coming from!!

Ice cream Ice cream.
we all scream for Ice cream

mmmm...I love icecream

whata face!!

no more mummy

ok one more...cheese

Email sent 15th of September 2007..

Hi all

Well, today we had our first monthly checkup at PMH (yeap it's been a month, we can't believe it either!!). We were due to have a urine, blood test and physical. Anyway we had a appt at 10.25am and finally managed to arrive at 10.55am, the parking around PMH is crazy and you end up having to park a million miles away, especially when you are not sure how long you will be there for. Luckily we are able to park on Humpty Dumpty daycare lawn (our daycares other daycare..THANKYOU), as I think we would have been driving around for ages looking for a park if we couldn't.

Anyway balancing Dr Bakers Happy retirement cake we got there and got the blood test (finger prick) paperwork and the urine container, the finger prick took about 40 mins to be called up, meanwhile Immie did the urine sample , so that worked out well!!!. We were back on the ward at about 11.50am there we waited till 1.45pm to see the doctor...argh!!!, while we were waiting Immie was weighed 14.15 ( gain of 500 gms - woo hoo) and 94 cms tall and a temp of 35.6, she was just too perfect!!!. We were also lucky to have good company, Colleen (Kaitlyn's Mum..another neutroblastoma warrior!!), so the time went pretty quick and I really can't complain because we weren't in there doing treatment!!. (I do not miss that).

Anyway her bloods were great, have to wait for the urine test (which will not show anything, but can show if the cancer as return, but it won't), muscle mass great and everything else great, they were a amazed by our little girl of amazing energy and strong spirit!!!.
Anyway we were exhausted (it really is tiring waiting and entertaining a 3 year old) by the time we returned home. Got home at 2.35 almost time to pick up Kody and rush off to footy training...ahhh the life of a busy mum!!!

Love, Hugs and Kisses Fiona and The Holmes Gang xx