Monday, September 10, 2007

Day Two of Immies Operation

Day Two

This was the day after the operation happened - 23rd of June 2007. Immie had a settled night medically, but spent alot of time wanting me to pat her hair and be close. I got a room down the hallway, but did not spend a lot of time in there as the nurse keep coming and getting me for Immie. Which was fine by me, as I don't think I slept a lot that night. The relief of the operation was over, but she was still in ICU, with tons of equipment attached to her. On Day two they started taking some of the attachments of her that she no longer needed to be monitored consistantly for, pulse, heart rate etc. The doctors were please with her progress and the fact her blood pressure was now in control and she was wanting to drink and eat. She had an epidural for the pain, all I kept thinking though it must be so uncomfortable to have all that and the other stuff attached to her. Immie kept wanting to sit up too, but obviously she couldn't.

All of the machines doing there important work

Imogen's sign

Immie looking sorry and sore

I feel like crap

Email posted 23rd of June 2007

Hi all
Me, home again for my Saturday night rest, Imogen got moved to ward 5c from ICU today which is the surgical ward. She has been doing great since the op, a bit restless but lots of colour and relatively painless thanks to the epidural. She is one brave fighter, even the docs were impressed, she ate a whole mandarin four hours after surgery then chucked them up about 3 hours later. Then asked for some more about 1/2 hour later - what the??. Regardless she is recovering great and now we are playing the waiting game again, to what they decide to do - to follow the protocol would be to do the stem cell rescue - who knows?. We are confident that Dr Baker and the heaps of people he consults with will make the right decision. Mr. Gallow (the surgeon) said that Immies tumor was very unimpressive, meaning that it was not hard at all to remove. Her blood pressure did creep up a bit in the op, but this is mainly to do with them pressing on the tumor and the other organs it then presses on.
We are all so grateful and blessed for bringing our daughter through the op and it being very successful. Did I tell u I love Australia!!.
Love to you all
Fiona and the Holmes Gang

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