Saturday, September 01, 2007

At Granny's and Granpa's : )

Hi all
Very excited as on the 19th of June..we got to leave Perth. Kody, Imogen and Fiona went to Narrogin for a coupla days to see Granny & Gran pa. This was the first time we had been to Narrogin for ages, as when in treatment you are advise to not leave the metro area, in case of temperatures etc. All of Immies tests had been good so we were able to escape to Narrogin and the farm. It was great to see G&G again, as the last time they saw Immie the day before her birthday, she was very very sick. They had lots of fun and some cute photos taken. We returned to Perth to wait for the right counts for the big operation....
Lots of Love
The Holmes Gang

Testing out the chair...hehehe


Blowing the whistle for G&G

I have had enough PHOTOS!!!
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