Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Kids

Princess Shrek Imogen

Kody and immie crafting

Email posted 6th of July 2007

Hi all
Just got back from the doctors..yeap our big boy is now sick with the cold and a croppy cough - typical hey?.
He has to take all these meds, and just did then threw them up, oh well try again later!!. Kods has been off school since Wednesday, I honestly thought he may have been pulling our leg on Wednesday, but when he woke on Thursday and chucked I thought mmmm...maybe not
He is resting up in bed, with immies baby tv, very hard to keep the two apart though, Immie wants to look after Kody and go see him often and I am trying to keep them apart - argh!!.
I hope to god I do not come down with it, though apparently it is possible the doc said!!.
Immie is being super amazing this week, went to a naturaL biochemist this week on Tuesday and she was feeling rather flat and her digestive system, was not working to crash hot or the part of going to the toilet either. Mr. Reiner gave us some herbal meds and she has been jumping around the house like a maniac!!!. I can not believe the difference it has made to everything that was a a problem. Also some major news, is Immies eyelashes have started to grow back, it so amazing ( yes amazing again) how the human body works!!!.
I know you have all prob. been waiting to hear the test results of immies pathology and MIBG scan, but we ourselves have not heard anything yet. We were tempted to ring on Weds but decided we would wait for Mr. Barker to ring, and instead just enjoy our beautiful girl. We will find out what is happening definitely next weds the 11th because we are booked in for a GFR ( kidney test) and the bloody audio test. Then we have a post op Cat scan on Thursday the 12th.
I have been to the ward on Wednesday night as some of my friends I have made are still in there and fighting a huge battle, Cherie and lil 7month old Blake, so please keep them and there families in your positive thoughts and prayers as well. I know they would much appreciate it.
Please all remember how lucky we are to have our health and your family to have their health, remember there are thousands of kids (and adults) a year struggling with this awful monster.
We won't be staying in hospital for the tests on the 11th & 12th, so we hope to catch up with a lot of you, esp over the school holidays.
Lots of Hugs and Health wishes to u all,
Love Fiona and The holmes gang xxxx oooo

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