Monday, February 22, 2010

22nd of February..a day never forgotten : (

Today marks the third year anniversary since we first heard the word Neuroblastoma and our sweet gorgeous girl linked in the same sentence.

It has been a long road and battle, at times never ending, though through the darkness we have seen amazing acts of human kindness, made new wonderful friends and most importantly still have Imogen here with us fighting her biggest battle and enjoying life to the fullest.

We are grateful for all the support and love we have all received over these last three years. A big thank you to you all. : )

We are very proud of you gorgeous girl Imogen and so very grateful we have been able to be here to hold your hand every step of the way.
Fight on Baby Doll, We love you.

With Love and Hope

The Holmes Gang

P.S. One of our gorgeous friends we have met on this journey has found us a pram, Thank you Ree and your friend. Thank you to all who sent emails and suggestions. xx

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Help needed : D

Hi all wonderful friends, family and Imogen fans,

I am writing on the blog today as I need some help, we are looking at getting a double pram. What I need is some recommendations, or if you know someone selling one a email would be great.

Here's what we want -
Most importantly first - one that can hold a weight capacity of about 20 kgs (or more) per child;
Side by side I think not tandem, as I have read they are harder to navigate;
Must be able to lay back flat for little tired people.
One that folds down to not too big.
I think that is all for the basics of our wish list for a pram.

We looking to get one as Immie is just not handle working around the shops for any length of time, and would like to also use it when going for walks etc as a family.
I have been just carrying Ashton and giving the pram up to Imogen especially when she is feeling tired and sick, but strangely my neck, back etc are not that keen on that idea.

We would really appreciate if you could ask around your friends, neighbours or family for any recommendations if you know someone who has ever used a double pram.

Our email is

Thanks in advance

With much love and Hope

Fiona, Jason, Kody, Imogen and Ashton

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Moments that take your breath away.....

I have not written on the blog for so long now as I really have found it hard to put what has happened since the New Year, into words. I have instead been writing down moments in the last 6 weeks that have taken our breaths away. Some moments have been joyfully priceless, some moments have been heartbreaking.

Ashton being able to wiggle his legs enough that he manages to get himself over to the tiled step where he continues to bump his head on it and wonder why he can’t move any further (the little caterpillar).

“Kody can wear my Mr Renier necklace today to make him all better”, “What about you” (half an hour earlier she had not been feeling so well), “Nah I’m all better today”.

Kody beating Granpa in the fishing competition only to almost faint whilst cleaning the fish. While Immie stood by him pulling out the guts of the fish.

Imogen saying “Mummy you know what, my body’s really sick today : (”

Imogen losing not just one but two teeth in two days and even though she only got $2 from the tooth fairy that $2 was amazingly enough to buy a toy worth much more than that : )

Ashton rolling over, and not doing it’s been over a month since that moment.

Kody being placed in art extension lesson at his school, because he’s art teacher could not believe he did not get into PEAC art.

Imogen rollerblading with Aunty Livi, and looking like she has done it for years. (have no idea where she gets that type of co-ordination – definitely not from her mum).

Being told on the 3rd of February 2010….” the tumour has grown again, though amazingly it is still only localized. You will need to do Radiation again to relieve her pain and pressure on her spine”.

Imogen busting her daddy for picking on Kody, when 5 minutes later she is bossing Kody.

Beautiful first thing morning smiles from Ashton.

Doing an around trip in one day with Lil Ashton and Imogen from Alexander Heights to Attadale (Reniets) to Midland (new DR) to Nedlands (Charlies- Radio) to Alexander Heights (and yes I did have a drink at the end of that day : ).

Ashton chuckling at Imogen’s “YOU THINK I’M FUNNY” chants.

It almost being three years since Imogen was diagnosed with cancer.

Tea parties with Granma.

Imogen picking Cape Gooseberries with Granpa, and exclaiming about the size of her gooseberry she found with her face pushed firmly against Granpa’s.

Imogen meeting her Koala named Imogen and then getting to hold the baby Koala named Sunshine. The effort the Caversham Wildlife park team had gone to get Sunshine the Koala ready for the Imogen force.

Dr Wally the clown doctor ringing us at home (even though we have not rung him back..must do..must do)

Kody taking Imogen to the shops to buy her a DS lite game from his money, and letting her choose what ever she wanted.

Mr Reniet saying “The first step is the hardest one”

Jason coming home after the first time he saw his new truck with air conditioning, a personalised crane and central locking.

The gorgeous portrait card written and drawn by Imogen’s class mates, teacher and aid.

Meeting Alastair Nutall, and being sent to see him when two amazing people were there visiting from Cairns.

Imogen seeing Cheeky Louise for the first time in 5 months, huge hugs and smiles.

Kody telling me “it will all be ok mum”.

Imogen having to do radiation again and her being so peeved because she wants to go to school instead.

Having dinner with the Cook’s, laughs, fun and friendship.

Jason having to roll out of bed, because his abs hurt so much from his new exercise regime (sorry but it was a little amusing).

Imogen beginning new natural treatment.

Dinners bought to us from very very kind people, when the last thing we want to do is cook. Thank you.

Silverchain, and their incredible ability to make you feel at ease, and helping us cover Imogen’s pain.

My family always being there to listen and give the best hugs.

Mum for starting Sunday “Sugar Free” afternoon teas (extremely hard to do

Imogen squashing my face up and telling me that she loves me.

With Love and Hope
Please keep Imogen and us in your thoughts

Fiona, Jason, Kody, Imogen and Ashton.