Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Suprise Gift for the Holmes Gang

Hi All

Ok I know I have not uploaded about Imogen’s fairies and pirate party and trust me I will and it was gorgeous...BUT I couldn’t wait to send the attachment of our newest Holmes Gang addition at 20 weeks...and IT’S A BOY
(well 95% chance it’s a boy, the legs spread kind of gave it away : ).
Jason and I told Immie and Kody together last night, for about 2 minutes Imogen grumped and then she got over it, Kody was mmmm..a little more impressed, so overall a great first response (lol). Jason and I were surprised, we both had always thought we would have two little girls and a big boy...though it didn’t take long to adapt to the idea, especially when I remembered how cute Kody was and still is : ).

Enjoy the happy snaps of our boy the next time we all see him (click on the link below), he will be safely in our arms,

Love and Hugs to all

Jason, Fiona, Kods and Immie Holmes
The Holmes Gang