Tuesday, August 11, 2009

One day at a time : )

Hi All

In the last month I have begun to understand why sleep deprivation is used as torture when the enemy is trying to find out your secrets : )..so here’s the warning don’t tell me your pin number or any BIG secret.

Between Miss Immie and Baby Bean, Jason and I have been lacking in sleep big time. Immie got to the stage just last week when she was waking up to 5 times a night...blaming everything from monsters to sore legs. Sleep deprivation and a worrying "cancer' parent just don’t mix. Out came the BIG gun’s bribery, corruption and reward charts....and the reward that broke the sleep drought...A smartie ice cream from the deli, second night - temporary tattoos, third, four, fifth, sixth and seventh are accumulating to a special prize...Immies suggestions....a motorbike (Seth Imogen’s “friend” at school has one), a playground in her backyard (lol), trip to the zoo...mmmmm the options what shall we pick??. There is not much I can do about the other Master Holmes waking me up with karate chops and kicking: P, though I am so grateful Immie has found her sleeping abilities again.

Poor Kody last week was suffering from tonsillitis, he spent 4 days laying on the lounge. On the 4th day, he was begging to go back to school. I am glad to say he is back to his normal cheeky self now. The week before he also attended a choir try out and now he is one of the 75 kids from his primary school in the choir. Kody was so funny, he came home laughing after choir try outs as he never thought he would get in – FUNNY BOY!!!!. Kody has also moved up to Scouts from Cubs, as he has reached the age bracket to move on. He has enjoyed the last 2 sessions, so here’s hoping this continues on.

Our Baby Bean.....we are doing great, besides the emotions, sleep deprivation and maniac dreams. I had an appt at Osborne Park Hospital last week, to get the cord blood paperwork signed. Yes we have decided to go through with it, regardless of what the resort “ PMH” thinks of it. The deciding factor came from the fact the cord blood is stored for 18 years, and as we all know a lot can happen in medical treatment in that time. To us it’s Baby Bean’s insurance policy, one we never wish to make a claim on. I also discovered at the hospital, an awesome registrar who knew what Neuroblastoma was, had actually had a family friend who had a daughter who was diagnosed with it, about 4 years ago and has now been clear for 3-4 years (love those stories). He also offered to come take the cord blood, whatever time, when ever, he lives 5 mins away. I was told the Baby Bean’s head is engaged, and I have done well to not put on much weight (about 5 kilos) – YAY!!!!. Not long now 46 days wow!!!.

Last Thursday we received exciting news...We have a new niece and cousin, Jacinta (sista in law) and Colin (Jason’s brother) welcomed to the world...Sienna Lucy. We made the dash to Narrogin on Sunday to meet our newest extended family member. I am so glad we did she is so cute...we were all like a bunch of chooks...boooock...boooocking (this is meant to be a chook sound??)... and squawking all over her. Immie was very cute, since then she has shown a huge interested to when we will get our new family member. Congratulations Jacinta, Colin, Rhylee and Tayah, check out the photos on the picassa web album below – “New Beginings....Sienna Lucy Holmes”

While your at the picassa web album check out the other photo file “July Holidays and a bit after 2009” all about July, when I celebrated my 1st birthday : P, us enjoying school holidays and catching up with friends.

It’s almost time for scans again...time goes fast hey?. Booked for August the 25th, results the follow week. Positive thoughts..positive thoughts all the way : ).

Hope this blog entry reaches you all in a comfortable and peaceful place, one where you cherish each day. Thinking of you always, Blake, James, Savanah and Josh. Fly free.

Love Us

P.S Got my uni results back two HD (high distinctions) and one Credit - woo hoo


Anonymous said...

Congrats on uni results!!! Also to Jacinta and Colin, Sienna is stunning. Love you all and thanks for Anika's bday present. Will let u know how much she loves it when she opens it on Sunday!!!
Love you all, belly rubs Fee.

Colleen - Kaitlyn's mum said...

Woohoo not long now. 38 days and counting.

Kimmie said...


Kimmie here :]
Have sent you an email!
Hugs to you and your family.
Extra squishy one for Immie