Sunday, August 30, 2009

The lead up before the calm..

Scan week...The tempo for this week was set way before it occurred though knowing the lead up did not ease the worry. One moment sticks out in my memory that frames the week and why being a cancer parent doesn’t just end when the treatment options are finished.

Every night we gather around the table for dinner and everyone is asked “How was your day and what was your best bit?” It makes for extremely up living, humorous and heart pulling listening. On Tuesday night, it come to Immie’s turn when asked what her best bit of the day she responded “My favourite part today was Daddy smiling at me when I did not wiggle, scream or cry when they put my needle in. He was very happy with me. “. My emotions a mix with pregnancy hormones and normal worry over scan week, this response almost tipped me over the edge. I was so proud of her for being so good at her canula insertion, though the question that rings often throughout my head was “Why?”,Why her?, why does every three months this become her life yet again?, why does someone at the age of 5, need to understand any of this pain or pride over not struggling or crying when she gets a canula?. These thoughts drive you absolute bonkers, where these incredible kids take them in their stride; to them it’s their life....normal for this to occur.

This week I struggled, spent more time crying then cleaning or studying : ). Anything that was a little off this week sent me off the deep Kody losing his last two baby teeth in one day, trying to guess what the dot to dot picture was showing on the MIBG scan computer, Imogen talking to our baby, the tone in someone’s voice when asked to have a look at Imogen’s hip when we attend clinic next week.

Yes I was a basket case (actually I think we were both basket cases). Thankfully Imogen and the Baby bean, have kept their assistance in sleep deprivation to a minimum. Thanks also must go to my fabulous mum who joined me for the MIBG scan; I am not sure how I would have done it without her. She kept me distracted, by talking about anything other than the scan. Thanks mum : ). I am thankfully also to how smoothly the canula insertion and nuclear injection on Tuesday with Imogen and Jason. Big thanks must go to my friend Dana who had my nuclear powered Imogen for Tuesday afternoon, asked at the last moment, you are a true star.

We have had our worry fuelled this week by Imogen’s occasional complaint of her hip hurting. Yesterday while having Imogen for a sleep over (thanks mum and dad) my mum and dad took her to our chiro (a family friend for as long as I can remember). He checked Immie out and noted how much her hip was out, after an adjustment; she spent the day running around like a pain free maniac. This of course has made us feel much better...I would have been much more nervous if he had not found anything. Though true relief for three months will come when we hear those words, “The scans are all clear”. Our appointment for scan results is next Wednesday at 9am, I know I ask often though I would really appreciate a few extra prayers, thoughts or whatever you believe in.

I will report back the “Fabulous” (positive thoughts) news later next week.

This week Kody was linked into Scouts from Cubs - Well Done Kody!!!

Thanks for listening; getting this off my chest through the blog brings me much peace.

36 weeks pregnant


Fiona, Jason, Kody and Imogen.


Colleen - Kaitlyn's mum said...

Woohooo lookin good mumma! (insert wolf whistle here).

I know its hard to believe, but... a year from now, you will all feel a hell of a lot better.

You have one amazing little girl, and she's a survivor, she's kicked neuroblastoma BUTT!

Wisniewski Family said...

I wish you had called me you big dummy head!!! That's what friends are for and I just know it will all come out fine on wednesday. Immie is a super kid and she will be 100% cancer free. Pregnance hormones make it all a thousand times worse. I can't believe that some time in the next 4 wks your little man will be here!!! You have to let me know what name you have settled on...think about anything other than MIBG (Easier said than done). Just know, no matter what, any time I am here and love you to bits,
