Tuesday, June 03, 2008

3rd chemo starts

Emailed - 3rd of June 2008
Hi all
Sorry about the delay in the updates, but I have been very busy, getting everyone well from colds and temps and trying to finish the uni semester of in style (hahaha) - exams next week can you tell I am going loopy!!Great news from coupla weeks ago scans the chemo is still working hurray this means we continue on to do another two lots of chemo, then revise again xx
Well we tried to start chemo last week, but we got delayed due to Immies immune sytem being to low, so today is the day...Immie had gone to Kindy the morning, and I will pick her up at lunch - much to her disgust (as she has not been for two weeks). Please read our blog, it has been majorly updated of late to include Immies party and Kody becoming an invested member of scouts.
It also shows what we have been up to while enjoying everyday of our very special lifes!!
Love and Hugs Cross your fingers for us that Immie can start chemo today XX
Love and Hugs
The Holmes Gang

3rd of June 2008
Check out my school shirt!!

Cuddling "ona"

This hat looks soo cute on and she loves it xx
Emailed 9.10pm 3rd of June 2008
Hi all
Well chemo began finally at 4.30pm. Immie's first blood reading showed great bloods, great immune system though no platelets (only 12) - what the???. This is almost impossible, especially when you have not had chemo for four weeks. It also means Imogen can't start chemo. We were just about to be sent home for another week, when I said no, we need to checked again. Immie had run into the wall chasing a balloon last night and cut her head and not bleed at all, her finger prick, would not bleed something is wrong!!. So then they needled her port, took more bloods and amazingly enough the platelets came back at 342!!!.
This meant chemo could begin hurray!!! (never thought I would say that!!), which brings us closer to finishing!!.Got home at 8.30, not bad for such a mess around I thought!!! Thanks for the positive thoughts and prayers xx
Love and Hugs
The Holmes Gang
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