Friday, February 22, 2008

New Year's Eve at Margarets

On the 31st of December, we were invited to put 2007 to rest at Margaret and Shane's street party, it was great fun with plenty of drinks, food, laughter and heaps of fun for the kids,
Here's to a wonderful 2008 xx
Immie was pretty chuff when she arrived at Margaret's street party and one of the kids let her ride this lil car
it was quite amusing to watch the stop - start jerkiness...oh how we look forward to those days when she learns to drive hahah
Kody on the green machine
This has to be the cutest thing ever...Alex (Immies mate) was being a cheeky monkey, by knicking Immie's hat and then running off with it...on his head
and then he kindly gave it back....
Tania ( I know she is going to kill me...sorry Tania couldn't help it)
Immie eating kebabs
smiley Jas

Kods, Micheal and Billy

Everyone waiting for sparklers

immie with her sparkler

Gabriella the lil angel

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