Friday, July 06, 2007

Imogen's 3 year old PARTY!!!

The party room...wooohoooo

jas and me trying to save the bouncey castle
after the rain decides to finally fall

Aunty Bibby...hard at work..yeah right

Opening the many pressies

Immie was finally able to celebrate her Birthday on the
29th of April ( a week delayed). This ended up being better
as Immie was in a much better mood, we were a little concerned
how she would be with all the kids and adults around, but she put in a
good effort for about the first hour and a half. Then she ended up asleep
in Uncle Nigel's arms..very cute.
All in all, she had a blast and got incredible spoilt
for helping make our beautiful girls party a success!!
Love to you all
The Holmes Gang
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