Hi all
This week...has been...emotional.
Monday bought Angel James funeral, a beautiful service though heartbreaking for Vanya, Shane, Liam, Brent and all of us touched by this amazing kid. Rest in Peace, James Thomas.
Tuesday involved chores and trekking into the resort to pick up contrast for Immie's CAT scan on Wednesday. There was also fun, as we got to catch up with Karen, Shannon, Hailey and cute lil Dylan.
Wednesday began early as Immie had to have her contrast two hours before her scan mixed with ¾ can of lemonade. Who thought it would be soo hard to convince a 4 year old to drink lemonade at 7am ( or actually about 6.20am due to how long it took to get her to drink it all....about 40 minutes). Then we left for the hospital at 7.40am arrived at 8.20am- time for a coffee (YAY). Up to CAT scan, and discovered that Immie needed a injection of x ray dye which meant a cannula. She was a very very brave girl, just a little cry and ouch. The injection of the dye cause more concern due to the fact it was cold. Immie laid very still, and the scans were done super quick. Everyone viewing the scans looked happy; I hope that is a positive vibe. We won’t find out the any results till next week.
Then back down to the ward and off to do a finger prick (another ouchie!!). Then back to the ward, a very very quick wait (very happy). We saw Dr Phillips, and discovered that last week’s echo was all fine, tho the GFR had not returned any results yet. Imogen’s skin has all clear up and now she has resumed her Accutane, and we wait to see the side effects this time, every time is a little different.
The Dr’s will call us next week with the results from the CAT scan. Immie is no longer having her MIBG scan and injection next week, as there has be another new diagnosed neuroblastoma case (ARGH!!!!) and we were asked to give our appt to them. Of course we said Yes, as we know how urgent those first scans are, and another Nueroblastoma case is devastating. After we had finished our appt with Dr Phillips, we went in search of Beth to organise how we are going to get Immie to lay still for an hour and half for the MIBG (any ideas??). It is the first time we will be having the MIBG without a GA.
We finished all of that so quick that it left us with a huge gap between the times finished 10.30 am till the time the Hearing Australia appt was 2.15pm. Yeap there was a cancellation, so Immie got in early to get her “earrings” (Immies words), also commonly known as hearing aids. We spent a lot of time strolling the city streets and realised how boring the city is for young kids. Finally 2.15 arrived; we had a lovely audiologist, and got Immies earrings programmed to her hearing. She seemed quite keen about them to start with, tho was not that impressed a few hours later. We caught the cat bus back to the resort, pick up the script and finally began the trek home at 4 pm.
On the way home we had to pick Kods up from Key board lessons, thanks to Granma for dropping him there. Then home to collapse then reassemble for the Trombone meeting with obnoxious parents – blah!!. Then I arrived home again to collapse and fall into a deep sleep.
Thursday was Immie’s Mr Rener appt, we drove over to Attadale to discover that Lee was sick and they had tried to contact me once by leaving a message while I was getting school stuff ready – argh!!!. Back to school Immie went, full day of fun. Then after school Immie’s day care big friend Keeley visited. Immie was very happy and excited.
Friday, today was a full day of school for both my loves. Free Dress today to raise funds for the Victorian Bushfires.
This weekend will be emotional as we mark the fact that on the 22nd of Feb 2009, it will be two years since we heard those words...”We think your daughter has an aggressive form of cancer called Neuroblastoma”. When we look back on the last two years we are constant in awe at how much has happened in this time.
Also how much precious time we have had to be able to spend with Immie, with the help of hospital treatment and Mr Rener’s knowledge on biochemistry. We continue to stay strong and forge forward into the uncharted years of the future. We are confident that these two years of treatment will be overlapped with the number of years out of treatment in remission into the positive and amazing future.
Imogen will live a long, healthy and happy life.
Thanks to all our avid supporters, Family and Friends divided between past friends (that still surround us with love, you are now far and few between) and our new friends we have met on the way. Also to the hospital staff, where would we be without you ( I shunder to think : ( )xx.
Love to you all
Love The Holmes Gang
Granma celebrating her 51st birthday - hahaha
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