Hi people
Well I have taken some pictures showing how fabulous our very still girl is a radiation please see link below. Imogen is now half way through her radiation, and so far it’s been a breeze, cross your fingers this stays the same.
We had a busy week getting ready for Kody’s PEAC interview, Kody and Granma spent a lot of time choosing, drawing, painting, discussing which pictures to show and talk about. On Thursday after not hearing wether he was going for an interview on Friday I decided to ring the school. The school then told me that due to the amount of nomination numbers received that it was going to be all too hard, with not enough time and space to begin the course for coming Year 5’s (sent from the Education Dept). WHAT THE???. Next year’s Year 4’s will be able to start a three year course. (grrr) There will also be a course run for the Year six’s. Needless to say mum and I were really unimpressed. We plan to write back a response to the education dept, and mum is going to forward the letter on to some art groups and people she knows. The amount of numbers that applied shows that there is an incredible interest in the visual art program. It was such a great idea to give something to the kids who are not English, maths scholars or sporting champions. There’s got to be something else available, just have to keep my eyes opened. This was a great disappointment to Kody as it was something he was looking forward to regardless of whether he got in or not, just going along and talking about his art.
On the weekend we had another great time, on Saturday Imogen and me drove to Mandurah to pick up Imogen’s surprise. We decided to go ahead and get Immie at beautiful lil kitten who we had already agreed to have prior to any discussion with the doctors. We will be keeping the kitten inside, regularly vaccinated and will be using ALOT of Aqium (antibacterial hand wash), to help minimise any chance of infection. Our decision to get Imogen a kitten does not come with great discussion and up to four times a week changing our minds. In the end we decided that we could not make our lil girl wait any longer, for something she has wanted for nine months. In the last 22 months Imogen has been to hell and back, and we can’t continue to wrap her in cotton wool and not live life. Life is way too unpredictable for our liking.
This results into us introducing the newest cutest member to our home – Meet Milly, a boy black and white cat besides the boy bit exactly what Imogen asked for, who when we received, came wrap in a box with a bow (thanks heaps Karly).
Anyone who personal knows Immie will know this has been her list of kitten particulars since day dot. As you would imagine Imogen is very, very happy, and I am pretty sure Milly will have forgotten how to walk by the end of the week from the amount Imogen carry’s him around lol. She has been very good with him and apart from a few drops from above (he can fly apparently, well he is a super cat for a super kid) he has settled in well to our home. Please enjoy the cutest pictures ever below.
Love The Holmes Gang
or our whole album