Friday, July 06, 2007

The day of the planned Party

immies busy art work

Card from Granny and Granpa Middlmoor

Wrapping the dolls up that she got from them

Hi all
This is the Sunday (22nd) that would have been
Immies Party, she was definately not ready for
a party. Immie was very sick and miserable
when Granny and Granpa Middlmoor came to see her
on the Saturday. She was sick because of the chemo
she had in cycle three, it is high in a chemo drug
that is linked with delayed nausea.
Imogen was very excited about the dolls
and there little rugs she got as a present as she loves to
wrap everything. One day she spent an hour wrapping
a banana in the hospital..easily entertained or what!!
Love and Hugs
The Holmes Gang
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