Tuesday, July 17, 2007

An awful cycle of Chemo

Immie not looking so good : (
Us...on Mothers Day
Me and My mummy
Immie holding her head up to keep in the drool
Hi all
I would not have wished this hospital visit on anyone,
After Cycle 3 Immie developed a temp, an a bad infection,
she also had mouth and throat ulcers. It was bloody awful,
our poor baby did not want to swallow as it hurt too much.
Heart breaking would be a word that I would use, and useless
another as there was nothing you could do for her except let the
neurtrophilis climb up and make her better. There is nothing
worse then feeling hopeless to be able to make your baby better.
I think this would have been our worse visit ever, all the while the
docs were trying to find an antibiotic that would work for her.
I was told "don't ask" when I asked how many antibiotics had they
tried. The first days of this were the worse, Immie laid there
not doing anything, not complaining though from the
drooling you could tell she must be in pain, she was not happy.
The body is an amazing machine, but it seemed Immie had
reach her level of poison she could handle...and then up pop
Immie, smiling even though she was drooling and in pain and
slowly she got better and got to come home...
Must have been all those positive thoughts and prayers
you and we sent her..so Thank you it meant the world
Love The Holmes Gang x