Friday, February 22, 2008

A year since our lifes changed - WOW

As I sit here trying to update our blog, I am so grateful to be able to sit here listening to the laughter of my happy children who have just been in the pool.

Today marks the the year anniversary of when we took Immie to a doctors appt that changed our lifes forever. It was on this date last year we rushed across to Murdoch hospital, to have a ultrasound to find out why Immie had been so un well and sad for several weeks. It was also on this date that we discovered their was a whole department allocated for cancer kids. We also had our first over night stay at PMH, we also discovered why Immie had been having night sweats with blood pressure of 215/180. It was on this date that we discovered that our lifes would never be the same again.

Never would we take one second, one minute, one hour, one day for grated again. We have learnt to live life to the full, to not sweat the small stuff and rock and roll like no one is watching!!.

How grateful we are that we got to PMH before the cancer had a chance to spread, for the oncologists, nurses and doctors, for the person who invent chemo (I was not thinking that when we were in the middle of it, amongst spew buckets )for the prayers and good vibes that were sent to us daily over the year from around the world.

Though most of all for Immie's strength, bravery and courage, and the unbelievable gift we recieved from her when she choose us to be her parents.

I read some where that someone had written they were grateful for cancer, at first I thought that to be the most weirdest and craziest thing, though I now realise why - when else would you get to spend so much time solo with that one children, getting to know them in and out - their quirks, enjoying the laughter, their personality.

I'm definately not ready to say thanks to cancer, though I am grateful that Immie and me will now have the strongest bond ever as mum and daughter. I will never forget that time spent together with no time limits or lifes distractions.

As you sit there reading my email please take a moment to realise how precious life is, how easy it can slip past and think of all the kids still fighting the battle against the horrible monster and send them a positive thought or prayer,

Love, Hugs and Light
The Holmes Gang

P.S. Enjoy the pics taken in the week leading up to this date - WOW!!

Kods and Immie

Granma's Birthday
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