Friday, February 01, 2008

Blakey Boy!!

Beautiful Baby Blake

Hi all
I am sure you all know by now about this beautiful boy, Blake and his family hold a very special place in our hearts. Cherrie and I only met by chance as the beautiful Nurse Lizzie decided that Blake and Imogen should get married, she came and informed me that she had found Imogen's husband...Up till then I had not met Cherrie, but now realise I had heard about her through some of the volunteers, especially after she spent time in hospital with Blake when her brother was getting married.

A coupla days later I found myself in the parents lounge with Cherrie (after some one had pointed her out), and I simply said " I hear you my daughter's mother in law". From that a strong friendship has grown, which I will forever grateful for, (unfortunatly the circumstances were crap!!) though was incredible support and fantastic listening board for me while wait to find out the results of Imogen's operation.

Beautiful Baby Blake has been through more then any other 1 year old should ever have too, which you can see and follow on his site,
He is a amazely strong, brave kid, our son in law!!
Please keep Blake in your thoughts to beat the monster and be cancer free forever,
The Holmes Gang

Blake & Kai's Christmas pic