Monday, January 04, 2010

Twenty Ten : )

Happy Zoo New Year for 2010 to our dear friends and family!!

With this in mind can you guess where we spent New Years Eve and celebrated it at the kids friendly time of 9.30pm (much more sensible..I am so sounding old : P).

Yes it was the Perth Zoo, kindly organised by our friends the Ledgers - Dana, Jason, Victoria, Rupert, Lizzie and Penny.

It was an absolute breeze getting there (everyone in Perth must have finished work early as there was no traffic on the freeway), finding parking and then returning home. The kids all went for a walk around the zoo with the dad’s, while the mum’s sat, chatted and talked Ashton into going to sleep : ). After they return we enjoyed a casual feed, and some sword swallowing and Abba singing entertainment. The kids enjoyed dancing along and chasing each other with glow sticks. The countdown began just before 9.30am and was met with a brief fireworks display (can’t imagine what the poor animals thought!!) and more music and dancing.

Lately people had been saying to us, I bet you can’t wait for this year to finish. Upon reflection when we returned home from the zoo, we agreed that this year has definitely not been our worse.

2009 bought us the delightful arrival of Ashton, discovery of new friendships, stronger bonds with our friends who have been with us every step of the way, our gold coast holiday (many many happy memories), arrival of our new niece, Sienna, my sister Olivia relocating permanently to Perth from Kalgoorlie, My mum and dad deciding to remain in Perth (we are now lucky enough to have them around the corner), the success of Jason’s business, awesome report cards from both Kody and Imogen, Kody’s incredible trombone playing : ), a Koloa being named after our Imogen and many more moments and memories that we have been able to experience together as a family.

What an incredible and super year, now we set off sail into 2010, who knows what, will happen. All we do know for sure, is that we’re grateful to have each other.

Wishing you all a happy, healthy and super fun 2010

With Hope and Love

Fiona, Jason, Kody, Imogen and Ashton

I keep forgetting to add our Picassa Web Album Link, were there are many more photos of our family - here it is -


Thomas Family said...

Just beautiful Fee, you have done a lovely job on redesigning your blog page. :)
Immie looks sooooo good and happy, smiling and enjoying life.
You are a great mum and Jas is doing a great job of being a dad. Well done, keep up the good work, lol.
Love to all
The Thomas Clan.

Unknown said...

Hope you had a wonderful Summer holidays and that back to school goes smoothly! Wishing you all a very happy & healthy 2010, hope the wonderful Miss Immie is doing very well on her special medicine, hope to see more good news soon. Take care & warm fuzzies, Kerry xx

The Light Family said...

Just wanted to say "hi" and hope that you are all doing well!

It sounds and looks like you've all had a wonderful ending to 2009, let's hope and pray that it continues throughout 2010 and beyond!

I hope the kids are enjoying being back at school. Boy, where did those six weeks holidays go???!!!

Enjoy these gorgeous summer day's we're having, and may darling little Immie continue to blossom! She's looking fantastic, and that's great!

Hugs and caring thoughts to you all, from Lyndall and my family. xxx

Unknown said...

I am a little fearful that the lack of news lately means things aren't going too well, I HOPE this is not the case, and you have just been too busy to blog...Wishes of good health & happiness to all, Kerry xx