Posted 3rd of April 2008
Hi all
I know this will be one of the hardest emails we will have to send and for you to recieve, and that some of you already know this devasting news,Yesterday the 2nd of April 2008, we were told news that no one with cancer either in treatment or remission wants to hear,Our perfect, cheeky daughter Imogen has relapsed to the dreaded breast, she now has another battle ahead to beat again the tumor (4cm) and it has now travelled to her left leg bone.
Three weeks ago Jason took Immie in for her routine ultrasound, the following week my mum took her in for her routine check up, were instead of taking 5 mins, she was asked to call me or Jas, to come immediately to hospital, while not knowing herself what was going on.Mum rang Jason, and he arrived first to be greeted with the news that it could be an infection or the worst a relapse, as her urine markers were elevated and her gland seen in the ultrasound were enlarged.
That afternoon, we were pushed through for a emergency ultrasound, and then this was followed by a bone scan and a MIBG scan last week (which were a bloody nightmare - as she would not sedate, and the drugs she was given made her go crazy).We had to wait patiently for any results till Wednesday this week as that was our allocated cancer day (argh!!), we arrived and told the worst news, Immies treatment plan for now consists of 6 cycles of 5 day chemo (same drugs as she recieved in the first two cycles of her first treatment) in out patients for 2 hours per day, this chemo will not make her as sick, she will lose her hair again, though she will need several blood transfusion as expected.She will have this chemo every three weeks or how long it takes for her bloods to return to the normal (required ) amount.
After that she may required another operation to remove the tumor in her belly, and then she will be having Mega therapy using her own stem cells collected right at the beginning. This will make her very sick, and she will required hospital stay for up to 2 months, depending on how she handles it all.
I will continue on a uni, and the hospital has been fantastic at letting this happen, Immie will continue to go to school and Kindy gym (when she is up to it). Kody will battle on with having his sister kick cancers butt again and soar in Year 4. Jason will continue on with the business buliding it from strength to strength.
We will not allow this beast to rule, to crush out lifes and spirits again, not giving it any more then required of our lifes or dreams.
This battle begins tommorow, Immie will have her broviac re installed tommorow at 2.15pm, (stay over night for antibotics, then home Saturday afternoon) and chemo will begin Monday for five days. Please give us all the positive prayers, vibes and thoughts you can find, as we will need to it to help Immie and all of us to get back up and battle again,
Lots of Love and Hugs Jason, Fiona , Kody and Immie Holmes
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