Wednesday, July 18, 2012

This is not Goodbye, it's Hello...

Hello to all my lovely Holmes Gang friends,

As much as I have loved and at time hated (sorry I can't say love when thinking about my baby cakes passing) blogging about our little Holmes Gang, the time has come to spread my wings and be a bigger inspiration to my little 'take on anything girl' Imogen. This second year without Imogen has been extremely hard and a huge struggle. I have had a hard time dealing with the reality and enormity of the fact my angel girl is not ever returning. Recently I engaged in a few sessions with a life coach and have been given a breathe of fresh of air, this was what I needed. It has taught me about the person who I want to be now and into the future. This has lead to me expanding the 'Imogen's Angels' dream and begin to blog about my passion which is allowing kids to be creative and embrace art and craft in any fashion.
I hope that you will join me there and continue to help me become the person Imogen would have loved me to be.

Much love and a million thank yous for your support and love over the years x

Fiona and the Holmes Gang forever.

My Imogen,
I love you and miss you a little (actually a lot more) more everyday. Your story will live on and continue to inspire so many. Your blog; our blog will remain and be here at the Holmes Gang forever more. You are my hero, my sunshine, my reason. I promise I will drop back past at times and water the flowers and help keep you alive in our hearts always. I know you will be right beside me as our new adventure begins.
Big Kisses xxxx
Love you to the moon and back, baby girl
x Fiona