Sunday, May 27, 2007

The lucky ladybird

Another necklace...but here comes the lady bird necklace

Daddy getting the ladybird Necklace ready

My very own ladybird necklace

Daddy and Immie

Hi all
Jason gave Imogen this very little gold ladybird necklace, as we love Ladybirds
(remember the bed). Jason gave it too her for being a brave girl and also
for luck Imogen now holds it everytime she goes to sleep and proudly
tells everyone who gave it to her "My Daddy".

Lots of Love and Kisses
The Holmes Gang xx
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Imogen's hair...: (

When it finally became the
time to chop Immies hair.
15th of March

Me looking so sad...

Immie minus piggy tails

Hi all
I never thought this would make me soo sad,
as I always joked about
how Imogen's hair was soo crappy. She would wake up most mornings with a
birds nest in the back of her hair and many tears would be shed, while we brushed it out.
We had to chop immies hair in the end as we could not compete with the amount
of hair she was losing and it was matting up madly at the back.
Though when it actually came to chopping Immies hair off, that was sad, I think
as soon as we chopped those ponytails off, her hair just started falling out in lots.
Every morning her pillow was caked with hair, she was quite lucky actually
as she still looks so cute even with no hair now,

Lots of Love
The Holmes Gang
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Second time in at the hospital

Immies first blood transfusion

Imogen asleep while having
her first blood transfusion

Hurray home time again with Granma

Waiting outside for Granma
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Imogen's back to hospital with a temp...

Granma and Immie in the sandpit
10th of March

Potty girl..what a cute girl!!
15th of March

a cute smile

Immies magic machine

Checked in for a temp on the 11th of March, a pretty normal
thing after chemo, when the immune system reaches it lowest
neutrophilis count - Immune system. Imogen had her first
blood transfusion and platelets xx
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